The Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition 2024 Entry Form
Thank you for choosing to be part of this year’s Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition. Paper entry forms will be available on request.
The exhibition is open to Art Trails Tasmania members and non-members. Click here for the Conditions of Entry details.
Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition Key Dates
For our 5th Annual Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition the key dates are:
- Early bird entry cut off is 30th June 2024
- Entries close 6th October 2024
- Works delivered by 21st October 2024 to the allocated exhibition gallery
- Art Exhibition open for Poatina Tree Art Gallery, Sheffield Art Gallery, Makers @ the Courthouse and The Kitchen Collective 24th October to 25th November 2024 and for the Jane Seychell Gallery 24th October to 3rd November 2024.
I hope you can join us in the fun!

Entry Form for the Art Trails Tasmania Exhibition
Thank you for joining us for our exhibition, I hope you can be part of the opening too.
You’ll be able to upload images of your entries via this online form and I’ll use these to promote you via Facebook and Instagram. Image files need to be in a website graphic format of .jpg .png or .gif. Because I’m promoting your work I want to be able to tag you effectively on the socials.
Click here for the Conditions of Entry.
Online Entry Form
Confession time, I’m learning a lot with building these forms so thank you for being patient with me as I refine the appearance. And part of that is getting the online payment system working. I can’t quite get PayPal or Stripe to recognise the different payment options based on the number of entries. So while I do, please make payment by direct debit. Thank you for your support with this, I do appreciate it.
The Banking details are:
Commonwealth Bank
BSB: 062646
Account number: 10353398
Account Name: Art Trails Tasmania
Tip: It is best to copy and paste the BSB and Account Number digits into your online banking form to avoid typos.
About the Form
Please note that if the form bounces and does NOT submit your details then you’ll need to put them all in again. I’m sorry about this frustrating feature. I simply don’t have the budget for forms that can save data.
You might find it helpful to copy and paste your answers into a Pages or Word document so you can easily grab them if the form bounces. I’m sorry about this feature.
To avoid this frustration, make sure you have entered ALL * Required field information.
The form works best when all the required fields are completed from the top down, otherwise it will likely display the message Please fill out this field. below the required field.
Here is the online entry form for the Art Trails Tasmania Exhibitibion.
* are required fields
Entries are now closed for the 2024 Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition.
Once successfully submitted, you will receive email confirmation of your entry. I am finding that some email services like bigpond are hiding or deleting these emails, so have a look in your Junk or Bin folders (naughty bigpond!).
Site developed by Libby Heasman Design