Happy Birthday to Art Trails Tasmania!

It’s the first birthday of Art Trails Tasmania online!

It is with a full heart that I say thank you to all of our members for all of the support, faith and enthusiasm for all that is Art Trails Tasmania.

Without such wonderful support from Tasmanian artists and art lovers from across the country this grass roots, artist led project just would have dissipated into the ether.

But with your backing, joining our community, sending in your Artist Profile stories, your event news, entering the art exhibition, we are flourishing.

Image shows a series of images from Art Trails Tasmania members such as an estuary watercolour painting with a pelican and an acrylic painting of rain moving over a landscape, Steve Myers artist studio, Russell McKane painting, and vintage prints from the online store of an artist palette with a series of paint colours and a Winsor and Newton oil paint colour chart with the words reading Out 1st Birthday Art Trails Tasmania

So a big heart felt thank you!

This all started with a conversation between Mel Hills and me as we were heading into our stalls at the Tasmanian Craft Fair in 2019.

While my initial ideas about artists and their creative small businesses being heard, found and supported seemed to have to be put on hold with the arrival of Covid-19, it turned out the time was needed for it all to come together.

Starting With Our First Art Exhibition

The first art exhibition was held at Art as Mania, Highland Felting and The Empire Hotel in 2020 under the name of Artist in Residence Trails Tasmania. 

It was just what the doctor ordered for artists all over the state, a chance to exhibit their work and express themselves creatively. Happily it was a success that led to another three exhibitions being shown in Deloraine.

Flailing to Answer to Good Questions

At the 2022 art exhibition I had a series of really interesting and game changing conversations with the leaders of various art projects about how they could be involved with Artist in Residence Trails Tasmania, and to be frank, I just didn’t have the answers. 

I could easily see the logic and motivation in their questions and I wanted to be able to say, “yes, this is how”, but I couldn’t.

The Power of Listening

By listening to what was being asked for I realised that my initial ideas of amplifying the voices and messages of makers and artists so they could be heard and found was always going to be the keys.

Because it is really difficult for a solo maker or even an artist collective to be heard in all the noise.

But by having a place to come together, allowing the voices to all sing together would allow the individual and the group to shine through and be heard.

It was also exceptionally clear that the silo styled organisations were missing so many opportunities in their approach of containment.

Whereas all pulling together, all supporting each other across the state, across a variety of mediums and techniques, the opportunities to flourish are exciting and vitally real. 

Practical Ways for Capturing Ideas

All of this resulted in a very large thinking hat coming into place for a number of months.

I started scoping out ideas on sheets of paper and really quickly realised this would do my head in having random notes on random bits of paper.

So I bought a spiral bound A4 notebook and started brain dumping.

Before long, I needed another notebook and the pattern continued.

I’ve ended up with a document with a table listing the notebooks, each with their own number on the front and a list of contents written in blue sharpie on the cover.

It’s even got to the point of writing Full on the cover when all the pages are covered in ink.

I’ve just started notebook number 26.

But, to be fair, I do have a dedicated notebook to just the art exhibition this year as it’s grown into it’s name and become a trail across five diverse and captivating exhibition venues, from the mountains to the sea. 

The Big Thinking Hat Phase for Art Trails Tasmania

During the big thinking hat phase I quickly realised that I needed to change the name. Artist in Residence Trails Tasmania wasn’t working well enough for me or anyone else. Nor could it encompass all that was needed. And I needed to do this before I built the website.

I struggled finding the new name, it needed to be descriptive, inclusive, easy to say and write, and fit for purpose while acknowledging the past.

And when the new name finally arrived, I was surrounded by water, the best way that ideas come to me. Art Trails Tasmania fitted it all perfectly!

The Umbrella of Art Trails Tasmania

Art Trails Tasmania would be the nurturing umbrella that would be broad enough for a vibrant and diverse creative community and say exactly what was meant, creating a trail across Tasmania leading to the artists and crafters who make it their home. 

It would encompass all of the various ways makers earn their living and creatively grow, from workshops and classes, exhibitions, art retreatsopen studios, artists in residencies, the markets, fairs and festivals, galleries, shops and cafes filled with arts and crafts that we all love going to, and their art societies and groups that bring us all together.

It would allow us to discover the artists themselves.

And, it would allow art lovers from across the country and overseas. 

So they could unearth all of this creative talent, to book into workshops, get to exhibitions, make a bee line to the businesses supporting and showcasing Tasmanian makers and have the best type of holiday, a creative holiday!

Image shows a background of a contemporary oil painting in pinks, blues, greens and oranges with the text reading You're Invited to be part of the 5th Annual Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition at the galleries Sheffield Art Gallery, Poatina Tree Art Gallery, Jane Seychell Gallery St Helens, The Kitchen Collective Westbury Makers at the Courthouse Lilydale 24 October to 25 November 2024 2023 Winner Jacklyn Poke
This image has a background of a solid colour of deep blue with three images showing vintage French, English and American prints of colour theory concepts with the text reading Vintage Digital Prints Art Trails Tasmania and it is linked to the digital download product online shop

Art Trails Tasmania and a Stack of Notebooks

So I had a name and a growing stack of notebooks. 

And my own small creative business, Creatively Belle, that pays my bills needed my attention for a few months. It was time for me to return to the trade show with a series of new designs.

I ended up with 50+ new designs and a very successful fair. For everyone who has their own product based business, they know just how much work I created for myself with all of this.

As much as I wanted to dive into building the new website for Art Trails Tasmania I had to wait. I’m not very good with waiting.

Percolating  Art Trails Tasmania

But waiting is exactly what I needed to do. Percolation is a very important process when you’re creating.

So while I could put time into planning and figuring things out, asking for feedback from my followers on Facebook, I needed to stay on track to look after Creatively Belle so she could put money in the bank, to go do my road trips to visit stockists and build up the stock levels for the new designs.

I decided that once I came back in early May 2023 from the CWA State Conference and seeing stockists along that route, I would settle into building the website. I was so excited on the drive home!

Building the Art Trails Tasmania Online Home

Diving into the website build was a bit daunting and yet every week on Facebook I was asking questions about what you wanted and I kept being given answers.

I messaged and emailed people, following up suggestions so I could get a better understanding.

I knew Creatively Belle couldn’t keep paying for Art Trails Tasmania, neither would survive if that happened. So I asked about how you would want this project to be nurtured financially so it could be sustainable.

Art Trails Tasmania eBooks and Community

The idea of ebooks had come early but it wouldn’t be enough, especially in the first two years because I didn’t have the money to spend lots of dollars on advertising with the big boys (read Google and Meta).

I really didn’t like the idea of Google ads across the site but it had to be on the table, grants are few and far between while being highly competitive and not many around. 

But membership could offer a community.

And when I asked my followers I was told ebooks and membership. I was actually relieved that no one liked the Google Ads option! 

Building the Membership for Art Trails Tasmania

Yet the membership approach meant a big new learning curve. It added basically another month to the website build as I did a crash course on membership setups, found a quality provider, learnt a new language and built it all.

I’ll confess to being really daunted and having a bundle of self doubts about myself. But I’ve constantly learnt new things and surely it couldn’t be that hard, right? 

It turned out it was only the concepts I needed to make sense of. Once that happened, it all flowed.

So you know how I said I wasn’t the best at waiting? Well, I was meant to launch the site on 1st July 2023, new financial year and all of that. But I was basically ready on 29th June so I figured no one would really pay attention if I pressed the launch button.

What a wonderful way to be wrong!

It turns out that there were way more people reading and following the posts than were commenting and a heap of folk just jumped on the site straight away.

The First Members of Art Trails Tasmania

The next morning I checked my email as usual and found I had my first member!

And then you just kept backing me and joining! 

I was literally dancing around the house in such joy.

I’d put so much work in, so many hours and to have such an instant response made me cry, multiple times.

And there have been several times in the last year where your support has brought me to tears. Good tears.

The thing was, while I knew I was launching with a lot more work do happen.

I hadn’t realised how much work there was still to do.

Also, I hadn’t reckoned on having so many members straight up and that I would be sharing so many Artist Profile stories. 

It took another six months of diligent work to feel like I was starting to come up to speed with all that was needed.

The Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition Entries Go Online

Plus, in this time, the 2023 art exhibition was happening and the online entry process meant basically a doubling in entries!

And I do a LOT of promotional work behind the scenes to showcase the artists across the socials. It was really a time of the madly paddling duck. Gotta love ducks.

Given the huge success of the 2023 Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition with over 110 works entered by 48 artists, it became apparent that we’d outgrown out original Deloraine home. And that the 5th Annual Art Exhibition needed to be something different.

I left Deloraine knowing I needed to find a new home for the exhibition, but also feeling quite excited about this next stage. The exhibition, website, socials and newsletter were all big enough for some significant changes. My network was strong enough to give me options.

An Art Exhibition Growing into a Trail

So when I was ready to start putting the feelers out it just all came together.  Both members and past exhibiting artists suggested venues and every venue suggested wanted to be on board.

To be honest, I’m still a bit gobsmacked by how well this all flowed.

I did meditate on it and ask for help and I believe that was instrumental. But so too is the support from all of you, the supporters and backers of Art Trails Tasmania.

The Five Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition Venues for 2024

I’m really excited about our five exhibition venues and locations, Poatina Tree Art Gallery, Sheffield Art Gallery, Jane Seychell Gallery, St Helens, The Makers at the Courthouse, Lilydale and The Kitchen Collective at Westbury.

Each venue is different, all are interesting and in locations that are a joy to explore, that are worth the effort to get to. And all are small and creative, organisations that will flourish and benefit from your involvement in the exhibition, whether you’re an exhibiting artist or art lover exploring what’s on.

Collaborating with Creatives

Because that is at the heart of Art Trails Tasmania, to collaborate with artist led projects in communities that value and treasure the arts and crafts.

To bring people to them who share the same love for the arts and crafts and want more of it in their lives. How cool is that to be part of? It gives me immense joy and meaning. I hope it does for you too.

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We All Make the Difference

It takes all of us doing our bit to have this happen, to have creativity flourish amongst us.

And your support of Art Trails Tasmania, whether that is by your membership, reading the newsletter, following us on Facebook and Instagram, buying the digital products, entering the art exhibition, becoming a buyer of art works in the exhibition, following our members on their socials, any and all of this, is game changing.

There is no massive big one thing that any of us do.

It is about the small things, the actions that each of us can take that makes the difference to whether we have a healthy, vibrant creative community or not.

Personally I find that really empowering.

Yes, I have built a pretty amazing website if I do say so myself (to be honest, I’m absolutely amazed by what this website has grown into with all of your stories!) but it has all happened bit by bit.

And it would have stopped many bits ago without you.

Your Support Makes Art Trails Tasmania Flourish

It’s your support, reading the stories, discovering the artists and going over to their pages to follow them, joining up and being part of this that is enabling Art Trails Tasmania.

So What’s Next for Art Trails Tasmania?

You know those multiplying notebooks?

Well there’s still a lot in them that needs to see the light of day, you’ll see some, like the ebooks, workbooks and online courses, others that will happen behind the scenes like listing on a bundle of SEO actions like listing on directories.

I need to connect with sponsors for the art exhibition so I can increase the prize pool and another very special project I have percolating away that I hope to have your feedback on too, once I’m a bit more organised with it.

There’s a lot I need to figure out about the Shop to get it looking and working as I imagine it to.

That will take the better part of a year’s constant attention, all step by step.

It is the Doing That Matters

I’m not one who believes in having things perfect before launching. In part because I don’t believe in perfection and mainly because it is the starting that matters.

If I was to be waiting for Art Trails Tasmania to be perfect she still wouldn’t be launched yet and here we are celebrating her first birthday!

And look how fabulous she is all in her own right.

I have, what I think is, a fabulous idea for promoting the workshops, exhibitions and events of the Artist Profile and Artists Ensemble members in mind. 

Learning How to Do Surveys for Art Trails Tasmania

I’ll be sending out a survey to members about it so I can refine it all, and I’m thinking a survey to the Community newsletter readers too as there’s over 900 of them and they are involved and engaged. So they’ll have great ideas and feedback.

Plus, I have ideas for three ebooks that I want to dive into.

The first one off the blocks will be a really practical, step by step guide for artists to set up and run their own successful email newsletter.

Writing all of this I’ve realised that I am as excited and daunted about my plans for the coming 12 months as I was back in November 2023 when I was formulating my tangled ideas for the website.

Thank goodness for notebooks!

A Massive Thank You for Your Support!

And a massively huge thank you to you for backing this, and for making it this far down the story!!!

We are a community of nearly 100 members and our Community newsletter is 900+ strong in just a year!

Our social media following is nudging 3,000 on Facebook (started in 2019) and over 650 on Instagram – now that I have figured out how to post from my laptop (constantly learning!).

Oh, and if you want to let me know your kindly thoughts, suggestions, insights, do please send them though.

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Read What Our Members Say About Belonging

Join the growing, supportive artists community today and have your Artist story told here.

Click here to learn more in our Members’ Hub.

Belinda is doing a great job creating a professional looking artist hub online. Check out the profile I posted recently to see how well she does them. To all my artist friends let’s help make this THE go to place to discover local artists.

Read Evelyn’s Artist Profile here.

Evelyn Antonysen

Watercolour & Mixed Media Artist

You won’t regret joining Art Trails Tasmania . It’s a welcoming community for creatives at any career stage.
Becoming an Art Trails Tasmania member wasn’t a hard decision for me to make as it’s such a wealth of knowledge and support.
Being member provides a quality way to showcase your creative endeavours and it’s quickly growing in reach.
Maria Oakley

Mixed Media Artist

We operate a home based picture framing business and recently joined Art Trails Tasmania as a means to giving us exposure to the wider artist community. We have almost immediately seen increase in activity thru our online sites, which I am certain will lead to more opportunities to grow our business.

Read Greg’s Creative Business Profile here.

Greg Dennis

Spreyton Picture Framing