Come Discover the George Town Art and Artisan Shop

The George Town Art & Artisan Shop was started with a pop up retail space, it now has a dedicated shop front at 3/83 Macquarie Street, George Town.

It is sponsored by the George Town Council and the Tasmanian State Government.

We recently celebrated our 12 month Anniversary.

The shop front it open 7 days a week from 10am till 4pm.

It is currently operated by the volunteers.

Image has a background of woven rugs with the text reading Group Profile Artistry Blooms at the George Town Art and Artisan Shop Art Trails Tasmania
Image shows a wall of pictures for the George Town Art and Artisan group profile member story with Art Trails Tasmania

Planning for a Future in George Town

Some of the goals for the future are to build a wide and diverse range of arts and crafts, to make it a welcoming space for the artists, crafters and customers that frequent the retail space.

We recently held a paint ‘n’ sip event hosted by one of our talented artists, Alene Kiese.  It was a huge success and we look forward to holding further workshops in the future.

The George Town Art & Artisan Guild

The George Town Art & Artisan Guild and its members are talented and creative individuals from diverse backgrounds, ranging from the award winning to the amateur crafter.

We strive to engage on a personal level amongst the volunteers and customers by sharing information, also via the retail space holding workshops and regular demonstrations.

Image has wooden rocking horse for the George Town Art and Artisan group profile member story with Art Trails Tasmania
Image has wooden boat style display case with products in it for the George Town Art and Artisan group profile member story with Art Trails Tasmania
Image has wooden baby doll crib for the George Town Art and Artisan group profile member story with Art Trails Tasmania

Coming Together as a Guild

The Guild members meet on a daily basis at the Art and Artisan space by volunteering and also at our monthly member meetings.

We have also held a few social events whereby members are able celebrate together as a unified group.

Our members skills range from art, woodwork, photography, textiles and many more.

New members can apply for membership on our website or alternatively email us and we can forward the relevant details .

We did hold meetings in our retail space but needed more room due to new members, so the last few have been at George Town Council provided space.

The benefits of joining the George Town Art & Artisan Guild are to be part of a cohesive environment andspace for everyone in the George Town Municipality to enjoy.

Image has a pile of 7 woven throws in muted tones for the George Town Art and Artisan group profile member story with Art Trails Tasmania

Events at the George Town Art & Artisan Shop

We recently had a volunteer Karina sharing knowledge on World Knitting Day, which was open to everyone, at the George Town Art & Artisan Shop.

We have hosted a paint n sip event and plan on holding more events in the very near future.

The wealth of expertise and knowledge from our volunteers, the sharing of that knowledge. The social aspects are particularly pleasing also.

Image has the logo in muted tones with the text reading George Town Art and Artisan for their group profile member story with Art Trails Tasmania
Image shows shelving with products sold at the art shop for the George Town Art and Artisan group profile member story with Art Trails Tasmania

Welcoming Visitors to George Town

Being local artists and crafters promoting not only our local area but Tasmania as a whole, we have had people visit from Australia and overseas in our retail shop, thereby sharing a little bit of what Tasmania artists and crafters have to offer, hence, promoting our state.

Growing the Arts and Crafts in George Town

To expand our customer and membership base, we recently became incorporated so there are plenty of plans on the horizon in the next 12-18 months.

About the Art Group

The George Town Art & Artisan Shop is the retail space of the George Town Art & Artisan Guild.

A group of dedicated artists, crafters and volunteers that just recently celebrated their 12 month anniversary.

It all started with a pop up shop that now has a dedicated shopfront located at 3/83 Macquarie Street, George Town.

It is sponsored by George Town Council and the Tasmanian Government.

Explore the George Town Art & Artisan Shop online and follow on Instagram and Facebook  for the latest exhibitions, updates about workshops and happenings.

Image has the logo in muted tones with the text reading George Town Art and Artisan Crafted in Tasmania Shop 3, 83 Macquarie Street, George Town Tasmania, Australia with a Facebook icon Open 7 days excluding major holidays 10am to 4pm for their group profile member story with Art Trails Tasmania

Read Another Artist Profile…

Read What Our Members Say About Belonging

Join the growing, supportive artists community today and have your Artist story told here.

Click here to learn more in our Members’ Hub.

Belinda is doing a great job creating a professional looking artist hub online. Check out the profile I posted recently to see how well she does them. To all my artist friends let’s help make this THE go to place to discover local artists.

Read Evelyn’s Artist Profile here.

Evelyn Antonysen

Watercolour & Mixed Media Artist

You won’t regret joining Art Trails Tasmania . It’s a welcoming community for creatives at any career stage.
Becoming an Art Trails Tasmania member wasn’t a hard decision for me to make as it’s such a wealth of knowledge and support.
Being member provides a quality way to showcase your creative endeavours and it’s quickly growing in reach.
Maria Oakley

Mixed Media Artist

We operate a home based picture framing business and recently joined Art Trails Tasmania as a means to giving us exposure to the wider artist community. We have almost immediately seen increase in activity thru our online sites, which I am certain will lead to more opportunities to grow our business.

Read Greg’s Creative Business Profile here.

Greg Dennis

Spreyton Picture Framing

The Art Trails Tasmania blog shares Artist Profiles, Skills Sharing posts and event news

Artist Profile Stories

I want there to be more arts and crafts in our world, in our communities and in our own lives. Hopefully you’ve found this blog post inspiring and interesting.

So I’m creating, with your help, Art Trails Tasmania, allowing all of us who feel this love to create more of it.

And the Art Trails Tasmania blog is a key part of making this happen, telling the stories of members. It’s about what they have happening with workshops and classes, exhibitions, open studio trails, where to find their outlets, markets, fairs and festivals so you can shop their creations as well as their art and craft retreats.

Also being shared are the supporters of our artists, the galleries, shops, cafes, art societies and groups, places to stay and artist in residencies.