Come discover the sparkling new Art Trails Tasmania treasure, “Crafting Your Own Creative Tasmanian Holiday Guide” that lets you find workshops, exhibitions & more

Come discover the sparkling new Art Trails Tasmania treasure, “Crafting Your Own Creative Tasmanian Holiday Guide” that lets you find workshops, exhibitions & more
It is exhibition time to head to Kinimathatakinta/ George Town for this season of inspiring and thought provoking exhibitions featuring Tasmanian artists!
In Part 2 of our series on flourishing with your creative practice we explore 15 ways to find your path back to creativity, letting you live the Good Life your way.
In our latest book review we take an immersive journey through creative inspiration and growth for makers and art lovers.
Come meet the West Tamar Art Group, a vibrant community where artists & makers connect, create, & showcase their work in Tasmania’s stunning West Tamar region.
These practical 12 tips share how to maximise your markets and fairs income & audience with an effective promotional kit & strategy in Part 2 of our series.
In Part 1 of our series we look at how markets and fairs can be a great way to bring in money and grow creatively.
Finding your path back to creativity and reigniting your creative practice can bring a deep sense of artistic fulfilment is the focus of Part 1 in our series.
Be sure to be part of this free botanical art 6 week UA3 course with Lynda Young so you can capture the joys of nature.
It is time to be part of the Launceston Art Society’s BELONGING Exhibition as it explores the deep connections we form with people, places, and purpose.
Dive into this exciting and creatively stimulating workshop calendar being hosted by the friendly Launceston Art Society and explore your creativity.
Come discover the delightful Arty Duck at the edge of the Tarkine and their Anonymous Art Show, full of works inspired by nature, beauty and the North West!
Learn how to create your own knitted bracelet in this workshop with Noelene Hammond and enjoy a delightful gathering focused on creativity.
Here are 17 practical ways to make your charity collaborations succeed, plus 5 ideal platforms to showcase your collabs on & grow your artist profile.
Here’s why you should boost your art career & artist profile with Charity Collaborations. Support good causes, gain exposure, & connect with like-minded audiences.
Discover the art of shaping wire & layering silk with wax in this inspiring textile art workshop. Create unique, personal sculptures using mixed media techniques!