Meet Dawn Murray and Explore With Her the Joy in Creating

The most creative joy I’m given comes from the people around me sharing and learning off each other.

Enjoying the landscape and the way we use and see things is always interesting and opens up new ways of thinking.

Art, I feel, is about always growing, learning and experimenting.

Tasmania and Tasmanian’s do this so well, they are very giving people and always ready to learn as well.

Image has a background of an abstract landscape done in pastels in vibrant colours with the text reading Artist Profile Balancing History and Innovation Dawn Murray's Ever Evolving Art Process Art Trails Tasmania Explore Your Creativity
Image shows a sketching pastels of a pet portrait for the story Artist Profile Balancing History and Innovation Dawn Murray's Ever Evolving Art Process Art Trails Tasmania Explore Your Creativity

Naturally Combining Nature, Science and Art

I grew up in a conservation household with a realistic expectation of how farming, forestry, land/sea/river management all work together.

My parents took us into to the hills regularly and in all seasons to appreciate nature. It was part of my early schooling that I had to create scrapbooks to bring back to school, this got me pressing, printing and drawing the world around me.

Image shows an abstract ceramic for the story Artist Profile Balancing History and Innovation Dawn Murray's Ever Evolving Art Process Art Trails Tasmania Explore Your Creativity

The Art and Science Connection

Having parents that worked in science based employment but also are prolific artists in their side hustle gave me a different view; scientific and arty.

Being diagnosed with MS appreciate both sides of the coin and love every experience that presented itself.

A Path to a Visual Arts Education 

For the last 5 years I have focused more and more on my arts practice, completing a Diploma in Visual Arts mid 2023.

Now I can return to part time Radiography and part time Artist, with the hope that I can study another Creative Course in 2024.

Image shows a background of a contemporary oil painting in pinks, blues, greens and oranges with the text reading Growing into a Trail of Art Exhibitions across Tasmania Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition at the galleries Sheffield Art Gallery, Poatina Tree Art Gallery, Jane Seychell Gallery St Helens, The Kitchen Collective Westbury Makers at the Courthouse Lilydale 24 October to 25 November 2024 2023 Winner Jacklyn Poke
Image shows an abstract portrait done in pastels in vibrant colours for the story Artist Profile Balancing History and Innovation Dawn Murray's Ever Evolving Art Process Art Trails Tasmania Explore Your Creativity

Inspired by Art Old and New

Historic Artists inspire me as well as Contemporary Artists.

Old and new techniques are interesting as new mediums are designed to create products.

I am constantly looking at the world around me and thinking how can I best put that down on paper?

What emotion and feeling do I want to impart?

Experimentation is a huge part of my work.

No one may ever see that part but it is an important part of my art process to see what textures, colours, markings I can achieve.

The Joy of Various Art Mediums

I work in multiple mediums. One medium is Resin, which I marry with Tasmanian Timber to create coffee tables and charcuterie boards, each one unique!

This is a fun, fast and semi abstract way of working. I started working this way when my hands and eyes started changing.

A Love for Pastel Art

I also work with soft pastel learning from two local artists, two differing styles.

I love the pure pigment that I can apply.

I can work fast or slow with this medium.

From Clay to Oils to Watercolour to Pencils Art

I have been creating ceramic pieces over the last 4 years and have grown to love the feel of clay, especially hand building to keep my hands strong to hold pencils and brushes as I am currently learning to work with oils.

This has been enlightening and I’m surprised about how much fun I’m having with them. Opposite to that I also work in watercolour and coloured pencil.

Image shows an abstract landscape done in graphites for the story Artist Profile Balancing History and Innovation Dawn Murray's Ever Evolving Art Process Art Trails Tasmania Explore Your Creativity
Image shows a young man by a blue and gold side table for the story Artist Profile Balancing History and Innovation Dawn Murray's Ever Evolving Art Process Art Trails Tasmania Explore Your Creativity

Art Informed by Tasmania

Being an import into Tasmania has influenced my Art to a great extent. I see the difference in colour and form, also how the landscape is used.

This all translates across to art I create.

I have become fascinated by the soil here in Tasmania, and how it changes during the seasons.

I’m also fond of birds and insects in Tasmania. I have a small bug collection as well as a seed pod collection, much to the disgust of the husband who insists its rubbish.

Image shows an abstract landscape done in pastels in vibrant colours for the story Artist Profile Balancing History and Innovation Dawn Murray's Ever Evolving Art Process Art Trails Tasmania Explore Your Creativity

Staying Motivated and Inspired with Art

At times its really hard to stay motivated and inspired to create my own art.

When I’m not feeling like creating my own art I try to keep motivation by supporting other artists often by buying a online class or yearly membership to their Patreon site.

Blocking Out Creative Time is Crucial

As I’m working 9-5 job now this has become very important to me, I feel like I’m missing out with my Artist Community so I block out one weekend a month for a Pastel Class in my local area, and also join an online Artist when she posts a lesson.

Creating a Balance

Balancing and work life and art life has become more difficult as my work life tends to take over, being in a health profession at the moment is hard work as we want to help but there is a lot of red tape and learning in your own time to do.

Taking time for my arts practice takes will power, having things easily to hand and not having to search for paper or product is hard for me (not being the tidy artist at all) but essential.

Setting aside time, blocking it out in your diary, is an aspect I’ve found helpful, then I don’t book something over it and miss out.


Image shows cutting boards with resin for the story Artist Profile Balancing History and Innovation Dawn Murray's Ever Evolving Art Process Art Trails Tasmania Explore Your Creativity

The Power of Having Art Goals 

My short term art goals are to experiment more with watercolour illustration, and seeing the details.

At the other end of my art experimentation this year is charcoal and water.

My long term goal is to be working in the Creative Arts combined with Health outcomes, I feel this I can take travelling within Australia in the future and still involve myself within the community.

A Passionate Desire for Art School

I was discouraged from following an art career when I was in my teenage years, although both my parents are quiet artists I was not allowed to go to Art School even though that is what I desperately wanted.

Now my parents are retired and have ‘come round’ in the last 5 years to being some what supportive in what I do.

I think always doing something arty in the background has set me up to do what I really wanted to do when I was young, and perhaps it means more to be able to do it now when I had to quietly fight for it.

Image shows a wooden table with a resin insert for the Artist Profile story Balancing History and Innovation Dawn Murray's Ever Evolving Art Process Art Trails Tasmania Explore Your Creativity

About the Artist

Originally from New Zealand’s wild south west coast, I have worked as a Radiographer for over 20 years dabbling in various art workshops in my spare time.

Recently I completed a Certificate 3 and a Diploma in Visual Art, with aspirations to study again.

I work in various mediums.

I consider myself Impressionist that is also driven by emotion and atmosphere. I strongly believe in sharing knowledge and techniques with others to provide a positive result.

Follow Dawn on Facebook and Instagram.  Visit her website, Tasmania South Light for her beautiful designs and work.

Meet talented artist Dawn Murray of Tasmania South Light in her member's Artist Profile

Read Another Artist Profile…

Read What Our Members Say About Belonging

Join the growing, supportive artists community today and have your Artist story told here.

Click here to learn more in our Members’ Hub.

Belinda is doing a great job creating a professional looking artist hub online. Check out the profile I posted recently to see how well she does them. To all my artist friends let’s help make this THE go to place to discover local artists.

Read Evelyn’s Artist Profile here.

Evelyn Antonysen

Watercolour & Mixed Media Artist

You won’t regret joining Art Trails Tasmania . It’s a welcoming community for creatives at any career stage.
Becoming an Art Trails Tasmania member wasn’t a hard decision for me to make as it’s such a wealth of knowledge and support.
Being member provides a quality way to showcase your creative endeavours and it’s quickly growing in reach.
Maria Oakley

Mixed Media Artist

We operate a home based picture framing business and recently joined Art Trails Tasmania as a means to giving us exposure to the wider artist community. We have almost immediately seen increase in activity thru our online sites, which I am certain will lead to more opportunities to grow our business.

Read Greg’s Creative Business Profile here.

Greg Dennis

Spreyton Picture Framing

The Art Trails Tasmania blog shares Artist Profiles, Skills Sharing posts and event news

Artist Profile Stories

I want there to be more arts and crafts in our world, in our communities and in our own lives. Hopefully you’ve found this blog post inspiring and interesting.

So I’m creating, with your help, Art Trails Tasmania, allowing all of us who feel this love to create more of it.

And the Art Trails Tasmania blog is a key part of making this happen, telling the stories of members. It’s about what they have happening with workshops and classes, exhibitions, open studio trails, where to find their outlets, markets, fairs and festivals so you can shop their creations as well as their art and craft retreats.

Also being shared are the supporters of our artists, the galleries, shops, cafes, art societies and groups, places to stay and artist in residencies.