An Exploration of Creative Joy Sans Snakes

Everything in the natural world gives me joy! Not snakes or leeches so much. But pretty much everything else!

Ocean life is my main inspiration right now!

Recently I discovered a local resource full of interesting information and photos of local marine creatures and I’m inspired.

The variation is infinite, the possibilities incredible….I need to live a thousand years to capture it. Start fish, sea slugs and cucumbers. Sponges and Corals…our waters are teeming with such.

Image shows the background of two women discussing a sculpture at the Tasmanian Craft Fair for the Festival Profile of the Tasmanian Craft Fair story with Art Trails Tasmania Explore your creativity
Image shows a series of mixed media artworks of eco dyed fabric slow stitched for the Artist Profile of Renowned Nature Inspired Textile Artist Rita Summers in her Art Trails Tasmania story

A Creative Heritage

In 2006 my parents showed me the place where I was conceived!

Built in the iron-age, Castle Hill Ring Fort, Cannock Chase is in Staffordshire the UK. Funnily enough I have a couple of Staffordshire doggos.

It was a misty day, the sort of place with ancient vibes…in my imagination I saw a knight in full armour riding over the crest out of the mist…….in 2006 I confirmed that I am indeed different!

What a great family life I’ve had!

Dad created carpet designs in Birmingham, attending art school until I was about to make my debut into the world.

Mum was young, determined and fiercely independent….she had already worked in a local casino, waited on tables, picked strawberries….we moved to Australia for a brand new adventure when I was just 18 months. A rich, amazing life has unfolded ever since!

Image shows a wall hanging of mixed media artworks of eco dyed fabric slow stitched for the Artist Profile of Renowned Nature Inspired Textile Artist Rita Summers in her Art Trails Tasmania story

Creating a Life in Australia

We arrived with absolutely nothing materially, hard work and determination do pay off.

Hiding in convict ruins, fishing in rivers around Richmond..early memories from formative years.

Long walks, with no fear of harm; scrambling over lichen and moss covered fallen trees and rocks in the forests of National Parks, hiding amongst man-ferns, swimming in crystal pools beneath waterfalls..throwing bread to the trout in our surrounding streams…even spotting an albino platypus as I skinny-dipped in the freezing water.

Raising orphaned wombats, wallabies, possums and potoroos..Bike riding the many paths and avoiding the snakes crossing in front… my childhood was unmatchable in my humble opinion.

A Creative Life Encouraged

I was certainly encouraged in every way, alongside my sister, to create, explore and find pleasure in our wild home.

It has stayed with me, my heart is full of love for this island home of ours.

Of course there has been the necessity to earn a living, art was really a diversion I turned to occasionally, but this past eight years it has slowly crept back into my peripheral vision and now…it’s one of my focal points.

I was fortunate enough to have my Dad as mentor, Mum supporting and encouraging every step.

Image shows a background of a contemporary oil painting in pinks, blues, greens and oranges with the text reading Growing into a Trail of Art Exhibitions across Tasmania Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition at the galleries Sheffield Art Gallery, Poatina Tree Art Gallery, Jane Seychell Gallery St Helens, The Kitchen Collective Westbury Makers at the Courthouse Lilydale 24 October to 25 November 2024 2023 Winner Jacklyn Poke
Image shows art studio space with eco dyed fabric slow stitched for the Artist Profile of Renowned Nature Inspired Textile Artist Rita Summers in her Art Trails Tasmania story

Carving a Creative Path

For around eight years I flipped furniture, hand painting and restoring.

In November 2023 I came to realise I’d had enough of it and I dragged one of my big art works off my own wall and put it up for sale to see how it might be accepted by potential clients….a lady from the UK purchased it without hesitation!

One thing led to another and I’m humbled by the fact people seem to enjoy my creations.

Artistic Achievement Delight

Over my lifetime I’ve sold several artworks, received a Judges Special mention in the Eskleigh Art Award.

I’ve recently had a joint exhibition in Launceston at the Windsor Gallery, and have been successful in a group exhibition in Salamanca Place Hobart.

Happily I have been invited to exhibit there again this coming Summer. My big oil on canvas inspired by our Tasmanian marine creatures and plants, has gone to Sydney I believe.

I’m thrilled to have been invited to have my first solo exhibition in 2025.

Image shows a collection of walls hanging of mixed media artworks of eco dyed fabric slow stitched for the Artist Profile of Renowned Nature Inspired Textile Artist Rita Summers in her Art Trails Tasmania story

Constant Creative Inspiration Everywhere

Our coastal areas, the amazing intricate corals, sponges and striking creatures are providing unending inspiration.

Rainforests also a favourite. Our little mammals are fascinating, I never grow tired of studying them.

Fungus? Don’t get me started! I have a love affair with our teeny microcosm of forest floor fungi. It’s fair to say I’m grounded in Tasmania despite my UK roots, I belong here.

I’m happily married to my soulmate of 40+ years.

Oils and Mixed Media

Working mainly in oil on canvas, often using mixed media to capture those tiny details…it’s great place and a great time to continue to explore our wild island home.

I’m excited to paint what I find and where my heart takes me next.

Releasing Creative Fears

Recently I stopped being afraid of oil paint, for some odd reason I avoided it.

Research and time spent learning from my father has finally dissipated what fear of I had.

Now I use oil, acrylic, ink with wild abandon. I experiment with mixed media and some of the results are quite interesting and pleasing.

Becoming Aware Through Creative Exploration

Becoming aware of the affect farming has on our environment has heightened my awareness.

The plight of our marine environment concerns me and inspires me to share that hidden beauty with anyone who views my art.

Capturing the Creative Impluse

When an idea forms in my mind I grab a canvas, preferably a large one.

Liberally applying oils I generate my background and let it sit to dry …this requires a great deal of patience on my part because I just want to paint!

Eventually I get studio time and after deliberation I start on my middle and foreground.

Referring to photographs or sketches I produce something I’m happy with around three weeks to a month later…in the meantime I generate other backgrounds or fiddle with unfinished works.

Creative Messages

Awareness of our environment and the beauty therein, my aim is to share and explore our planet.

Staying inspired isn’t a challenge, there’s just to much to indulge in.

Focusing on a Creative Life

My husband and I are semi-retired, balance is achieved by simply prioritising..our dogs demand attention constantly.

They play and join in the art process….my muses! Of course we have responsibilities and we ensure we attend to those first.

But having a dedicated art studio and a snug for small works…I can simply close the doors once the brushes are cleaned!

Finding Creative Freedom

Leave fear behind..paint, create and play.

Life holds enough of the sad stuff…take time to do a little creative energising.

If you’re starting out, get in amongst it. Join support groups for artists, there are plenty of great art folk in Tasmania willing to demonstrate and teach their skills.

Growing as a Creative in Art Groups

As I started to embrace art work again I joined several art groups, I entered a few competitions just to get a feel for the Tasmanian art scene.

My first big breakthrough came early this year with a sale at Evandale market inside the pavilion. Several healthy sales ensued.

I’ve popped work in local restaurants with success and now successfully exhibited in Hobart.

Further invitations to exhibit have been received and I admit I’m suddenly very busy!

One family purchased seven large works in succession. Now I’m preparing for a solo exhibition in 2025. If I had the time I’d do a watercolour retreat to hone my craft.

Flourishing with the Tasmanian Craft Fair

Dad and I were a main attraction in the Tasmanian Craft Fair for 11 years….Dad got into sculpture full time as a result..working from home. I returned to my full time work in dentistry. Here we are many years later both doing what we love.

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About the Artist

Born in the UK five different careers: Dentistry Practice Management/surgical assistant, Middle management with a federal government agency, Furniture flipping, Art! Married with 2 dogs. Chickens and a big garden. Studied art and dentistry.

Qualifications include management and dentistry. Mainly self taught artist or mentored as mentioned by crazy talented people in my life. Still learning every day. Selling many works over approximately 40 years.

Follow the Michaela on Facebook and Instagram for delightful inspiration, insights and exhibition news.

Image shows textile artist Rita Summers of Gone Rustic for the Artist Profile of Renowned Nature Inspired Textile Artist Rita Summers in her Art Trails Tasmania story

Read Another Artist Profile…

Painter of Trees & Smith of Silver, Artist Russell McKane

Painter of Trees & Smith of Silver, Artist Russell McKane

Meet the Instagram Sensation Russell McKane As a painter of trees, Tasmania is a perfect fit for my Art. I paint on location so I get the benefit of working in this magnificent environment. Currently, I am working in the rainforests of Liffey and among the cider gums...

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Belinda is doing a great job creating a professional looking artist hub online. Check out the profile I posted recently to see how well she does them. To all my artist friends let’s help make this THE go to place to discover local artists.

Read Evelyn’s Artist Profile here.

Evelyn Antonysen

Watercolour & Mixed Media Artist

You won’t regret joining Art Trails Tasmania . It’s a welcoming community for creatives at any career stage.
Becoming an Art Trails Tasmania member wasn’t a hard decision for me to make as it’s such a wealth of knowledge and support.
Being member provides a quality way to showcase your creative endeavours and it’s quickly growing in reach.
Maria Oakley

Mixed Media Artist

We operate a home based picture framing business and recently joined Art Trails Tasmania as a means to giving us exposure to the wider artist community. We have almost immediately seen increase in activity thru our online sites, which I am certain will lead to more opportunities to grow our business.

Read Greg’s Creative Business Profile here.

Greg Dennis

Spreyton Picture Framing

The Art Trails Tasmania blog shares Artist Profiles, Skills Sharing posts and event news

Artist Profile Stories

I want there to be more arts and crafts in our world, in our communities and in our own lives. Hopefully you’ve found this blog post inspiring and interesting.

So I’m creating, with your help, Art Trails Tasmania, allowing all of us who feel this love to create more of it.

And the Art Trails Tasmania blog is a key part of making this happen, telling the stories of members. It’s about what they have happening with workshops and classes, exhibitions, open studio trails, where to find their outlets, markets, fairs and festivals so you can shop their creations as well as their art and craft retreats.

Also being shared are the supporters of our artists, the galleries, shops, cafes, art societies and groups, places to stay and artist in residencies.