Promoting Your Artist Led Events News

It is a joy to be sharing our members’ event news and artist profile stories across the website, blog, Members and Community newsletters, Facebook and Instagram.

Our readers and followers love the stories and they keep asking for more if their emails are anything to go by.

Most weeks I have an email request for workshop and other events information and it is fun to be getting back to them with details of members who are running their own or group events.

Image has a background of a colour chart with the text reading Art Trails Tasmania How to Share Your Event News with Art Trails Tasmania

Easily Finding Artist Led Events

I started Art Trails Tasmania with two goals in mind; for visitors to be able to easily include creative experiences such as attending workshops, classes, markets, festivals, fairs, exhibitions, trails, galleries, shops, cafes, residencies and retreats that are happening across Tasmania. 

While it is easy to find out what is happening at MONA, there is so much more to the state and happening with the creative small businesses, aka, the artists and makers. And it is often difficult to find out what is happening.

Helping Tasmanian Artists Make More Money

The other, equally important goal, was to help Tasmanian artists and makers make more money by finding more buyers for their work and events, allowing them to do more of what they love.

Thankfully this is started to happen even in the first few months of launching the website, newsletters and socials.

Our Growing Audience

The Community newsletter is proving to be wonderfully popular, growing each week, with an open rate of 65%+ (when the industry standard is 28%).

While both Facebook and Instagram followers keep growing each week too.

Membership and Community

Naturally enough this little creative business needs to be financially sustainable.

When I asked the Facebook following whether they wanted it to be funded by google ads, random grants, membership and/or digital products, the message came through loud and clear that ads were basically despised, grants unreliable while membership and digital products were most welcomed.

With over 80 members within the first six months I realised I was given the right feedback by my audience.

It is the sense of a welcoming, supportive and caring community that is growing with the Art Trails Tasmania membership base that is proving deeply rewarding.

I’m loving sharing the event news of our members and would love for you to send in your stories too.

Artist Esemble Membership

While there are the three levels of annual membership, it is the Artists Ensemble level that is specifically designed for sharing the event news stories, as it comes with four blog stories, one for your profile story and three for your event news.

If you are yet to join our community, you may like to use one of the 20% off membership coupons available. When you join our newsletter you’ll be sent one and other limited time ones can be found on our socials.

How to Share Your Event News Story on Art Trails Tasmania

Before you send through your event news:

  1. Gather all your information about the event together, eg. The name of your event, type of event, a brief and detailed description of the event, where and when the event is happening, links to your website, Facebook, Instagram, where any bookings can be made online, event specific page and your email newsletter sign up page.
  2. Get the images for your event together as you need to upload at least 3-4, but at least 6 images are needed to properly showcase your event to our readers. 

Great Images

Please make sure you include an image that can be used as the background for your Featured Image which is used on the blog, in the newsletter and across our socials when we share your event story.

Here are a number of event news stories to demonstrate how their Featured Image is used:

You’re Invited to Join Our Supportive Community

What to Know About Our Forms

The forms do NOT save data, this means that you cannot save the form part way through and come back to it. This is because the website build budget could afford a basic form tool rather than an expensive CRM package.

So it is highly recommended to write up your content in a Pages or Word document and then copy/paste it into the fields.

* Required Fields

Required fields are indicated with an * and they must be completed for the form to submit properly. If they aren’t completed the form will bounce and you’ll have to start over again with entering the information.

Completing the Form

To send through your event news:

  1. Login to Art Trails Tasmania
  2. From the Artist Dashboard click on the Click here to send your News Event Story, this in under the Send Us Your Story heading.
  3. Read through the instructions carefully
  4. Read through the form carefully so you can determine what you are doing
  5. Read all of the instructions provided for each element
  6. Complete all * Required fields
  7. Upload your images
  8. Enter your publishing dates
  9. Complete the Consent boxes
  10. Click submit

What’s Next for Your Event News Story

Once successfully submitted you will receive an email confirmation to the email address that you have provided in the form.

The completed form is sent through to both you and Art Trails Tasmania.

Once I receive the completed form I will then work it up into a blog post with a featured image, publish it and schedule it for publishing on Facebook and Instagram with our tags, eg. @arttrailstasmania is our tag.

Flourish with our skills sharing stories …

Discover our Artist members…

It’s all about the creativity …

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Read What Our Members Say About Belonging

Join the growing, supportive artists community today and have your Artist story told here.

Click here to learn more in our Members’ Hub.

Belinda is doing a great job creating a professional looking artist hub online. Check out the profile I posted recently to see how well she does them. To all my artist friends let’s help make this THE go to place to discover local artists.

Read Evelyn’s Artist Profile here.

Evelyn Antonysen

Watercolour & Mixed Media Artist

You won’t regret joining Art Trails Tasmania . It’s a welcoming community for creatives at any career stage.
Becoming an Art Trails Tasmania member wasn’t a hard decision for me to make as it’s such a wealth of knowledge and support.
Being member provides a quality way to showcase your creative endeavours and it’s quickly growing in reach.
Maria Oakley

Mixed Media Artist

We operate a home based picture framing business and recently joined Art Trails Tasmania as a means to giving us exposure to the wider artist community. We have almost immediately seen increase in activity thru our online sites, which I am certain will lead to more opportunities to grow our business.

Read Greg’s Creative Business Profile here.

Greg Dennis

Spreyton Picture Framing