Discover the Joy in Making Knitted Bracelets
This is a beginners nitted bracelet lesson. Learn how to knit your own bracelet or for a special gift.
You will be using wire and seed beads in this lesson it is how to use the wire and hold the beads in place.
You must know to knit or crochet.
The kits are threaded up with the beads ready to start knitting.
I just need crafty people to turn up and get creative, you do not need to use a purl row it can be done with knitting all plain rows.

Workshop Event Details
Location: Art as Mania Gallery – Deloraine
20-22 Emu Bay Road
Deloraine 7304 Tasmania
Organiser: Laura
Call to Book: 0488137315
When: 20th March 2025 at 11:00am to 1:30pm
Learn New Skills in a Fun and Welcoming Environment
Come and explore new skills and techniques. Meet like-minded people.
You can block your ears when someone drops a stitch or tangles up the wire!
No tension is required, this is why each bracelet will be different also with placement of beads. Worried about the wire bit? Don’t be! it’s as easy as using wool except for the mishaps.

Discover Noelene Hammond
I am a self-taught artist sewing and knitting is in my family. I started using wire on a knitting machine with beads, that started me off.
I had a studio in Deloraine for 11 years, making felt and woolen jackets with embellished collars using free motion sewing, also my felt heirloom Christmas hats which sell all year round, free motion scarves designed like a form of art, the main part of the studio was my wire knitted range of jewelry.
You will find my work in many galleries around Tasmania.

Making with Bright Bold Colours
My first creation was making sewn scarves, laying the yarn and many textiles out on Solvy, then sewing many times.
It took a lot of time making all the bright, bold colours work together and making them harmonious. I was very fortunate that the local gallery in Yarragon took these into their bright gallery.
Knitting Machine Creations
I love to work with 12 ply yarn its got to be bright and bold with many other textiles for my scarves, which have names; Ghost nets is about fishman’s nets when repairing them they cut off the rubbish bits and they float down onto the coral over time it turns white.
Other pieces are Magnolia, Garden, Circles and Tasmania Poppies.
The jewellery line is knitted with different coloured wire 28g, working with large glass beads which give off a sparkle. My work is a one-off piece because of my love of not using a pattern which makes it off centre and unique.

About the Artist
My love in life is all about colour being lead by the sun if not sunny I cannot design.
So my work has to be bright and nothing square, it’s all off centre that’s my dream whether it’s in my work or what I wear is the same bright and beautiful
Follow the Noelene on Facebook for her upcoming workshops and exhibitions and a healthy dose of colour, textiles and creativity!

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Join the growing, supportive artists community today and have your Artist story told here.
Belinda is doing a great job creating a professional looking artist hub online. Check out the profile I posted recently to see how well she does them. To all my artist friends let’s help make this THE go to place to discover local artists.
You won’t regret joining Art Trails Tasmania . It’s a welcoming community for creatives at any career stage.Becoming an Art Trails Tasmania member wasn’t a hard decision for me to make as it’s such a wealth of knowledge and support.Being member provides a quality way to showcase your creative endeavours and it’s quickly growing in reach.
We operate a home based picture framing business and recently joined Art Trails Tasmania as a means to giving us exposure to the wider artist community. We have almost immediately seen increase in activity thru our online sites, which I am certain will lead to more opportunities to grow our business.

Artist Profile Stories
I want there to be more arts and crafts in our world, in our communities and in our own lives. Hopefully you’ve found this blog post inspiring and interesting.
So I’m creating, with your help, Art Trails Tasmania, allowing all of us who feel this love to create more of it.
And the Art Trails Tasmania blog is a key part of making this happen, telling the stories of members. It’s about what they have happening with workshops and classes, exhibitions, open studio trails, where to find their outlets, markets, fairs and festivals so you can shop their creations as well as their art and craft retreats.
Also being shared are the supporters of our artists, the galleries, shops, cafes, art societies and groups, places to stay and artist in residencies.