You’re Invited to attend Lee-Anne Peter’s Solo Exhibition, Initiation: Into the Unknown

Walk through various initiation life points with award winning, visual and ceramics, Tasmanian artist Lee-Anne Peters, as she takes you on a transformative journey of healing, depth, connection, sound and light.


Salamanca Arts Centre

67 Salamanca Place

Hobart 7004 Tasmania

Image shows a background of a ceramic pot with the text Grandmother impressed on it The text on the image reads Exhibition News Lee-Anne Peters Solo Exhibition Initiation Into the Unknown Art Trails Tasmania
Image shows the artist Lee-Anne Peters with her ceramic female sculpture for her Exhibition News Lee-Anne Peters Solo Exhibition Initiation Into the Unknown Art Trails Tasmania

The Exhibition Details

Lee-Anne’s solo exhibition is being held at the Salamanca Arts Centre.

You’re invited to the Opening

The opening is being held on Thursday 29th February 2024.

Arrive from 5.30pm for the 6pm start.

Please RSVP online via the Exhibition Facebook Event or directly online with Lee-Anne (especially important for catering).

Exhibition Dates

Lee-Anne’s solo exhibition runs from Wednesday 28th February until Monday 4th March 2024.

Image shows a series of ceramic vases in tribute to her grandmother by the artist Lee-Anne Peters for her Exhibition News Lee-Anne Peters Solo Exhibition Initiation Into the Unknown Art Trails Tasmania

Exploring the Exhibition

Featuring Lee-Anne’s earthy and organically formed sculptures, characters and colourful paintings depicting transformation, healing, death, birth, ageing, fun and mystery.

Journey in, and be greeted by a line of Lee-Anne’s popular and fun Dragon Character Jars. The Dragons are a symbol of initiation as they are the keepers and guardians of this ‘rite of passage’ into the unknown.

The back area of the gallery will feature Lee-Anne’s brilliantly white porcelain ‘hanging curtain’ – resembling bones as well as flowers, seed pods, twists and turns.

Image shows a ceramic vase in tribute to her grandmother by the artist Lee-Anne Peters for her Exhibition News Lee-Anne Peters Solo Exhibition Initiation Into the Unknown Art Trails Tasmania
Image shows a woman with her artwork of ceramics and paintings with the text on the image reads Exhibition News Lee-Anne Peters Solo Exhibition Initiation Into the Unknown Art Trails Tasmania

Major Exhibition Work

Gently part this curtain with great sacredness, and enter into the quiet and dimly lit area featuring Lee-Anne’s major exhibition work.

It’s a very large floor lamp called: ‘Light Shining from Within (Lamp)’.

This is a large sculpture of a lady, formerly broken into pieces and assembled with cracks, gaps and crevices shining light outward in patterns that dance across the room.

She is a symbol of light, renewal, recovery, hope and strength.

You’ll also discover: thought-provoking paintings, an indoor water feature, ‘grandmother flower pot and vase’ collection, flowing forms, inspiring cups and other unique and surprising creations. 

Image shows a ceramic female sculpture by the artist Lee-Anne Peters for her Exhibition News Lee-Anne Peters Solo Exhibition Initiation Into the Unknown Art Trails Tasmania

An Exhibition Grounded in Love, Faith, Transformation and Exploration

Lee-Anne has been preparing works for this exhibition for almost seven months, and during that time has dived into the challenges and opportunities of personal matters (which are reflected in her works) on: surrendering, taking a leap of faith, ageing, preparing for death and the actual passing of her grandmother, change, transformation, and self-exploration.

Inner Honesty and Openness

Everything within this exhibition has manifested from Lee-Anne’s willingness to see herself, her life and the stages of life as openly and honestly as she can.

We trust that you enjoy participating and journeying inward during the showing of ‘Inititation: into the unknown.’ Lee-Anne will be creating a large sculptural form during the duration of this exhibition.

Image shows the artist Lee-Anne Peters with her floral painting for her Exhibition News Lee-Anne Peters Solo Exhibition Initiation Into the Unknown Art Trails Tasmania

About the Artist

Lee-Anne Peters is the founder of Temple of Balance and is a passionate visual and fine artist, sculptor, intuitive and creator of many things.

The author and self publisher of multiple books as well as five hand drawn, self published oracle (like tarot) style supportive card decks.

From jewellery, to large outdoor ceramic pieces, Lee-Anne is an award-winning artist and is best known for her quirky characters, down-to-earth support and honesty.

Find Lee-Anne on Facebook and Instagram and visit her website for news about studio openings, latest designs and creations, events, classes, works and exhibitions.

Image of Lee-Anne Peters at her work table with a ceramic sculpture for her Grand Opening Events News story with Art Trails Tasmania
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Artist Profile Stories

I want there to be more arts and crafts in our world, in our communities and in our own lives. Hopefully you’ve found this blog post inspiring and interesting.

So I’m creating, with your help, Art Trails Tasmania, allowing all of us who feel this love to create more of it.

And the Art Trails Tasmania blog is a key part of making this happen, telling the stories of members. It’s about what they have happening with workshops and classes, exhibitions, open studio trails, where to find their outlets, markets, fairs and festivals so you can shop their creations as well as their art and craft retreats.

Also being shared are the supporters of our artists, the galleries, shops, cafes, art societies and groups, places to stay and artist in residencies.

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