Come Soak Up Dawn Murray’s Joy in Creating
The most joy I get from creating art is the creating itself. Adding forms, lines and colour are exciting for me.
I’m not creating for anyone else, only what I want to express. Sometimes my art is realistic and sometimes abstract. Creating just for me allows me to be free of a certain expectation around my art.
Being an import into Tasmania has influenced my Art to a great extent. I see the difference in colour and form, also how the landscape is used.
This all translates across to art I create. I have become fascinated by the soil here in Tasmania, and how it changes during the seasons.

Bringing Science and Art Together
Growing up in a conservation household with a realistic expectation of how farming, forestry, land/sea/river management all work together, as well as having parents are prolific artists in their side hustle gave me a different view; scientific and arty.
Having my condition of MS kick off made me change tack from full time Radiographer to part time Student and Artist.
For the last 5 years I have focused more and more on my arts practice. As such I hope to finish my Diploma in Visual Arts mid 2023.
How to Get Your Partner to Build Your Studio
My studio space is a dedicated She Shed that is full of art supplies. My husband got sick of me using his garage for burning and painting and built me a studio.
The dogs know they can lie outside the door. It’s my happy space, very messy but sunny with a space outside for breaks.
I work in multiple mediums. One medium is Resin, which I marry with Tasmanian Timber.
This is a fun, fast and semi abstract way of working. I started working this way when my hands and eyes started changing.
I also work with soft pastel learning from two local artists, two differing styles. I love the pure pigment that I can apply. I can work fast or slow with this medium.
I have been creating ceramic pieces over the last three years and have grown to love the feel of clay.

Many pots later I’ve discovered I actually prefer to hand build figures. This is helping keep strength in my hands to hold a brush or pencil.
I am currently learning to work with oils. This has been enlightening and I’m surprised about how much fun I’m having with them.
Finding Joy in Sharing Skills
I taught resin classes. I found this fun and easy, perhaps because of the workshops I completed in my previous job as a Radiographer learning how connect and teach an adult student.
I also took my teaching to the gym, yelling and encouraging people to do things they don’t particularly want to do.
I greatly enjoy teaching. Adult students are just about always there because they want to learn and that is half the battle won.
I also find I can learn so much from students they may do something in a way you’ve never thought off. And they can create wonderful art because they are encouraged to experiment.

The Power of a Supportive Community for the Arts
Since moving to Tasmania from New Zealand (11 years ago) my practice has evolved constantly.
The support of the artistic community is astounding. The number and quality of workshops I’ve been able to attend never ceases to amaze.
I’ve experimented and evolved into all number of mediums and I hope to keep going forward never standing still in one style.
Nature and Landscape as Sources of Inspiration
I am inspired by looking at the objects and land around me. Flowers and especially seed pods get collected and drawn into work.
Farming landscapes, colours, patterns, the different crops all inspire me to take photos and put the impressions into my memory bank.
The other way I increase my creative side is by learning from others, historical arts or contemporary. Instead of a journal I keep a number of files online with inspirational paintings, poetry, phrases.

Enjoy Being Part of Exhibitions
I have been involved with a few exhibitions and this year I’m trying to enter more.
The biggest thing I have learnt is unless your aim in life is win a prize in an exhibition you should just enjoy the process.
Enter the art you want to enter, not what someone else has told you too. Enter art that is not ‘your normal style’ this is your chance to change the way people think and that doesn’t mean sticking to a style that is traditional.
Life is Best When We Support Each Other
The best piece of advice I’ve been given in life, as I’ve had an interesting adult life so far, is just get on with it.
Yes you can look at all the things that went wrong, and all the things you’ve failed at.
You can look at these life experiences as growing experiences and if you didn’t go though them you wouldn’t be where you are today.
Go for it, support each other in success and failure.
Artistic Lessons Learnt
To build my artistic skills I experiment in many mediums. You never know what will work until you try.
I practice with my mediums by creating small works with quality products. I don’t see the point in creating with cheap products that will not be the same as when you create a larger work.
I also attend workshops with as many artist in as many styles as I can afford. This broadens my base skills to allow me to take a small area from one style to use somewhere else.

About the Artist
Originally from New Zealand’s wild south west coast, I have worked as a Radiographer for over 20 years dabbling in various art workshops in my spare time.
Recently I completed a Certificate 3 in visual arts that spurred me on to complete a diploma.
I work in various mediums. I consider myself Impressionist that is also driven by emotion and atmosphere. I strongly believe in sharing knowledge and techniques with others to provide a positive result.
Follow Dawn on Facebook and Instagram. Visit her website, Tasmania South Light for her beautiful designs and work.

Artist Profile Stories
I want there to be more arts and crafts in our world, in our communities and in our own lives. Hopefully you’ve found this blog post inspiring and interesting.
So I’m creating, with your help, Art Trails Tasmania, allowing all of us who feel this love to create more of it.
And the Art Trails Tasmania blog is a key part of making this happen, telling the stories of members. It’s about what they have happening with workshops and classes, exhibitions, open studio trails, where to find their outlets, markets, fairs and festivals so you can shop their creations as well as their art and craft retreats.
Also being shared are the supporters of our artists, the galleries, shops, cafes, art societies and groups, places to stay and artist in residencies.
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