When Being an Artist Is Who You Are with Annette Fuller

Being an artist and creating is who I am and is as necessary as breathing for my mind body and soul.

Art gives me far more than just joy, if I am away too long from engaging in my art practice my fingers get itchy, there rarely goes a day I do not make or create in some form.

I cannot imagine not having art in my life. While I have many other hats in life through work, with friends, at my core is being an artist, it has been the one constant thread throughout my life.

Image shows a background of tangle art in black ink and earthy brown with the text reading Gallery Profile Two decades of art, creativity and community at the Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe Art Trails Tasmania as part of the Artists Ensemble membership

Snuggling in the Artist Cardigan

Admittedly, at times pushed aside as other life demands interrupted, I have always returned to it.

My art is like that well-loved cardigan you wrap yourself in on a cold winter evenings by the fire or that friend who it doesn’t matter the time between since you last saw each other when you reconnect it always just feels like yesterday.

Image shows a background of a contemporary oil painting in pinks, blues, greens and oranges with the text reading You're Invited to join us for the 5th Annual Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition at the galleries Sheffield Art Gallery, Poatina Tree Art Gallery, Jane Seychell Gallery St Helens, The Kitchen Collective Westbury Makers at the Courthouse Lilydale 24 October to 25 November 2024 2023 Winner Jacklyn Poke

Inspiration All Around for the Artist

My work is heavily influenced by my sense of place, whether it be the familiarity of the small coastal community on the eastern coast of Tasmanian where I currently live with my dog, or a favourite weekend spot or a distant land I have journeyed on.

Tasmania has such a rich and varied landscape which changes constantly with the seasons, light and mood it feels like a smorgasbord of offerings.

Exploring from the smallest plants, and insects high in the Alpine regions to the wide-open skies of the midlands.

Image shows the outside of the Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe for the Gallery Profile story Two decades of art, creativity and community at the Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe Art Trails Tasmania as part of the Artists Ensemble membership
Image shows the inside of the Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe for the Gallery Profile story Two decades of art, creativity and community at the Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe Art Trails Tasmania as part of the Artists Ensemble membership
Image shows a mixed media painting of abstract painting and images for the Exhibition news Scottsdale art gallery cafe Showcases the Vibrant Autumn Exhibition Art Trails Tasmania

Actively Choosing an Artist’s Life

As a child I was not encouraged to pursue my love of art being an area “you will never make a career in”, “its not a real subject” and the list goes on. But once living independently and receiving my first pay packet (back in the days when you received cold hard cash and coins in a little brown envelope) I booked my first art lessons and have not looked back since.

I have also been very blessed along the way to have shared my artistic passion with amazing teachers, mentors and friends.

As artists much of our time can be spent in a solitary pursuit, having an artist community around you I have learn is invaluable.

Fellow creative souls to share, learn, laugh, support, reflect and at times challenge has pushed me so much further as an artist.

Artist friends get it, they understand what it is like to be creative and all the ups, downs and sideways adventures that brings.

Image shows a painting of Superb Fairy Wrens at the Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe for their Gallery Profile story with Art Trails Tasmania as part of their Artists Ensemble membership

How the Home Grew Into the Studio It Was Always Meant to Be!

Living alone with my dog in a small 2-bedroom cottage I started by converting my dining room, really just the other end of the kitchen into my studio in a vain attempt to at least keep the paint splatters in one area.

With the rest of the house a moving gallery of works completed, collected and various other treasures found.

Oh, and of course, the books on painting, painters and everything in between.

I then needed somewhere for my sewing machine, a separate table for printing.

I suddenly go the bright idea to turn my whole house into an artist studio.

This allows me now to have messy areas, a clean space when needed and I still have a spare bed for visitors they just need to give me notice so I can clear off the collections of papers and half-finished and finished works I have piled on top.

Image shows a painting of Superb Fairy Wrens at the Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe for their Gallery Profile story with Art Trails Tasmania as part of their Artists Ensemble membership

Growing as an Artist with Workshops

Sharing and supporting others creativity through workshops is an absolute privilege and something I love to do.

Whether it is bookmaking, eco printing, mark making or just exploring the joy of creating.

Finding Your Artistic Voice

Developing spaces for others to find and explore their artistic voice and challenge those personal beliefs that I cannot draw, paint, or be creative.

To them watch the same people create something they didn’t believe they could, their joy and excitement is contagious.

Artists Sharing Lessons Learnt and Flourishing Together

As artists we have all learnt and walked alongside others who shared their knowledge and techniques, positive support or have just been there for us.

My journey as an artist is filled with other wonderful artists and creatives who have shared and been there for me when I thought I couldn’t.

Deeping Inspired by Nature

I am deeply connected to and draw my visual inspiration from nature and my relationship in and with the natural environment.

I’m at home in environments where space, silence, and the natural worlds are dominant.

Being Aware of Our Impact on Nature

Working in and with nature one cannot remove the impact and interrelationship with human occupation, travel, use, or exploitation of country.

The global climate crisis, extinction crisis, pollution and other human threats mean the fragile balance of our ecosystems are facing collapse.

This has led me to my current focus being the spaces and places where the human and natural worlds intersect aiming to both celebrate and evoke the joy of nature but also gently invite reflection on this relationship, we all share.

Lessons to Share with Other Artists

Have a thick skin and remember being chosen or not in an exhibition does not define your abilities as an artistic but merely reflects the tastes of one or more judges on a particular day.

Understand that you will receive far more rejections than acceptances.

This is where if you love creating your art and you love the outcomes that is what matters.

I do not create for other people to like my work, of course when they do it’s wonderful but that is such a fleeting moment compared to the many many solitary hours of work I put into my art.

In saying that you also need to put yourself out there and share your amazing creativity.

It is also great to see you work all dressed up in its finery on the wall.

Seeing your work outside your studio mounted, framed and on a wall is a lovely feeling.

The Best Way to Become an Artist

The best way to become an artist is to be one.

You need show up to your studio whether it’s a desk, a corner of a room, or a fully decked out studio, and work.

Create whether you want to or not just do something you’ll be amazed by just starting something how inspiration will arrive.

Have Multiple Works Going

I always also have three or more pieces going at a time that way if I am stuck with one not quite knowing my next move, I always have something else to move onto.

Also understand failures are inevitable but make great collage papers or base to paint over.

Not everything is going to work I have always learnt the most from those pieces that didn’t suceed.

About the Artist

Nature, the landscape and our human interdependency with, form my inspiration.

I have a deep-seated connection with the environment and the world that surrounds me.

My art is a reflection of my sense of place, whether it be the familiarity of home or the fleeting impressions of a distant journey.

As a multi-disciplinary artist, I draw on a range of techniques to explore my visuals responses to the environment.

My work seeks to both celebrate and evoke the joy of nature and invite reflection on our increasingly fragile interrelationship with our natural world.

Be sure to follow Annette on Facebook and Instagram for a delightfully healthy dose of inspiration, her latest exhibition news and intriguing workshops, oh, and her adorable dog!

Image shows Shirley and Rod of the Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe for the Gallery Profile story Two decades of art, creativity and community at the Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe Art Trails Tasmania as part of the Artists Ensemble membership

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Read What Our Members Say About Belonging

Want to see your Artist Profile here? Then join our growing, supportive artists community today and have your Artist story told.

Click here to learn more in our Members’ Hub.

Belinda is doing a great job creating a professional looking artist hub online. Check out the profile I posted recently to see how well she does them. To all my artist friends let’s help make this THE go to place to discover local artists.

Read Evelyn’s Artist Profile here.

Evelyn Antonysen

Watercolour & Mixed Media Artist

You won’t regret joining Art Trails Tasmania . It’s a welcoming community for creatives at any career stage.
Becoming an Art Trails Tasmania member wasn’t a hard decision for me to make as it’s such a wealth of knowledge and support.
Being member provides a quality way to showcase your creative endeavours and it’s quickly growing in reach.
Maria Oakley

Mixed Media Artist

We operate a home based picture framing business and recently joined Art Trails Tasmania as a means to giving us exposure to the wider artist community. We have almost immediately seen increase in activity thru our online sites, which I am certain will lead to more opportunities to grow our business.

Read Greg’s Creative Business Profile here.

Greg Dennis

Spreyton Picture Framing

It’s Time to Refill the Creativity Cup

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The Art Trails Tasmania blog shares Artist Profiles, Skills Sharing posts and event news

Artist Profile Stories

I want there to be more arts and crafts in our world, in our communities and in our own lives. Hopefully you’ve found this blog post inspiring and interesting.

So I’m creating, with your help, Art Trails Tasmania, allowing all of us who feel this love to create more of it.

And the Art Trails Tasmania blog is a key part of making this happen, telling the stories of members. It’s about what they have happening with workshops and classes, exhibitions, open studio trails, where to find their outlets, markets, fairs and festivals so you can shop their creations as well as their art and craft retreats.

Also being shared are the supporters of our artists, the galleries, shops, cafes, art societies and groups, places to stay and artist in residencies.