Your Art Trails Tasmania Resources

Here you’ll be able to find a growing range of useful and accessible resources to help you live a more creative life.

For some quick links around the site:

The Art Trails Tasmania blog has the full range of skills sharing, member’s event news and profile stories for you.

The What’s On directory pages celebrate our current members.

How to become a member is easy at the Member’s Hub.

You can join our email newsletter and receive a membership 10% discount coupon code.

Learn about this year’s Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition and the online entry form.

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ’s

Art Trails Tasmania Resources

Latest Skills Sharing for Artists Posts

8 Money Tips for Artists

8 Money Tips for Artists

Here are 8 money tips for artists to create financial security and freedom, plus a useful PDF tool and do more things that give you joy by Art Trails Tasmania

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