The Buzz in Framing the Personal and the Precious
The biggest buzz from framing is, I find, the moment when our clients, particularly artists who have spent sometimes hundreds of hours creating their piece, come back into our studio to collect, and the looks on their faces when they can see their work shift from being taped to an easel to being a completed and stunning work of art hanging and ready to go on display.
I also love framing very personal and precious items.
I feel humbled when these special projects come in, and there is always great anticipation when these are revealed to their owners when they call in to collect.

The Deep Satisfaction of a Framing Job Well Done
To witness the expressions and emotions can often trigger our emotions as well, but the deep satisfaction can be difficult to put into words.
A Gentle Path to Destiny
An interesting series of events led us to where we currently are, and this has made me truly believe that life will sometimes lead us to our destiny.
A couple of years after commissioning a very dear friend and artist to complete a stunning stag pencil drawing for us, we noticed that the artwork had moved slightly in the frame.
Even though our highly respected friends had suggested on many occasions to use their picture framer, we had a loyalty to another local guy, who had done many jobs for us over many years.
Meeting the Framer
After the said artwork had been fixed and meeting the framer we thought “What a lovely bloke” and proceeded to give him a couple of jobs to frame for us, he had fixed our issue without a fuss and gave us a reasonable price on our couple of projects and hence a relationship was formed.
Now here’s the punch – I had always had an interest in picture framing and often thought that maybe if the opportunity arose it would be a great hobby to pursue.
So, imagine my delight when we were picking up our couple of jobs and he mentioned he was thinking about selling his gear to kick back and enjoy some other aspirations.

Fiona Francois Masked Owls
Attending the Framing University
After a fairly quick analysis of the situation, we decided “What’s to lose?” and by purchasing the gear I would more than likely pick up some of his clients (he had been framing for 25 or so years!) and as an added bonus over the next 12 months or so I attended his “Framing University” to learn the basics of picture framing from his many years of experience.
Fast forward 12 months, and I am loving every aspect of this very personally rewarding occupation.
The decision has now been made to pursue and grow the business and replace at least part of my normal “Job” income of which I had worked with the same company for some 32 years.
The ultimate goal is to “retire” from my normal job, and focus on our own business, and as I have been saying many times of late to so many people it becomes more about loving what you do than the monetary benefits.

Finding the Right Path
When I step into our framing studio each morning, I feel much anticipation on what the day may bring, and who may come through our doors.
Sharing the Day with Tasmanian Wildlife
We are fortunate enough to have on our property approximately four acres of native bush land, so we always have lots to see straight out our windows.
Whether it be the abundance of native bird life including Fairy Wrens, Robin Redbreasts, Firetails, Pardelotes and Green Rosella’s just to name a few.
Or maybe the four-legged creatures including Wallaby, Potoroos, Bandicoots, and of course many rabbits.
We have even had sightings of Eastern Barred Bandicoots, Spotted Quolls, Echidnas, even the occasional Tiger Snake.
Oh, and let’s not forget White Goshawks and Wedge Tailed Eagles, which can often be spotted high up searching for their next tasty next snack.
Framing a Plan
When the decision was made to acquire the framing equipment (and potentially replace some job hours), we put in many hours of careful planning to ensure that we would end up with a work area with a great relaxing feel, and one which would make all who come to visit feel at ease and welcome.
Fortunately, our planning has paid dividends as we often receive heartfelt comments from clients, mentioning how they love both our workspace and setting – and we never take it for granted.
The simple things in life are really, quite often the best, and the real bonus is they are absolutely FREE!

The Joyful Rewards in Contantly Learning
I have heard many times over the years the saying “You never stop learning” and “You learn something new every day” and oh, how true. Completing a small business course many years ago, I remember a discussion regarding building a sustainable business, not necessarily overnight but slowly, piece by piece, growing every day and always being humble enough to not “know it all”.
I am always open to taking advice from all people whom we meet. You never, ever “know it all”. Being in the building trade I can fully appreciate the importance of good foundations, without them your house is liable to collapse!

Quality Artists
We are constantly quite literally blown away by the exceptional calibre of many of our artist clients.
We love working in with them, sometimes when they are exploring a new idea, we have a brainstorming session even before they commence, contemplating and playing with framing ideas which can then assist them as they complete their project. Plus, many of our clients have now become so much more than clients – we consider them as valued friends.
The Revealing Moment
There have been many joyful and sometimes emotional moments when we have revealed completed projects to clients.
Hard to pick a favourite but here’s a couple that we won’t be forgetting. An artist client painted a commission of a beloved pet, the young lady owner lived in Queensland. We framed the item, packed it up (yes – complete with glass!!) and it was duly sent off.
A month or so later the client emailed me a video of the moment when the young lady received her parcel from her parents, and the squeals of delight when she was opening (she had absolutely no idea of the surprise they had conjured up) – anyway was more than enough to put a tear in the eye of this (not too old) framer!
Another artist client, who we had consulted with prior to completing her painting to select materials etc so we could ensure we could obtain was again doing a commission portrait. This was to be a Christmas present for his partner so vitally important we could have ready for a pre-Christmas pick up.
After a few hiccups with materials, we were so relieved when the chosen moulding to complete the job arrived on December 23! Fortunately, no further hiccups and the Artist, her Client and his partner were able to call in on Christmas Eve and another memorable moment was created – poor girl had no idea either. But the looks on all faces was priceless.

A Love for Creating
From as far back into childhood as I can remember I have always had a love of creating and building things with my hands.
This led me into my career path of Wood Machining, and the skills I have learned have assisted with my approach and methods employed with framing. I get a real kick out of setting up my machinery items precisely, so that my final result is as close to perfection as one can achieve.
After two and a half years of framing I find I am continually striving to find better methods and practices to achieve the highest possible result, which I think is an attribute that I have carried with me through most of my life.
About the Creative Business
Our mission is to provide an inviting and relaxing environment in which our clients feel most welcome to come and become fully immersed in the whole selection process.
To ensure complete satisfaction we will listen carefully to our client’s requirements and consider all options to deliver an exceptional final result on each and every project we undertake.
We firmly believe the consultation process to be the most important part of the journey, and if that precious artwork, photo etc is to be hanging for potentially many years it is well worth the initial time to carefully review and select options, so as to showcase what’s within the frame to its fullest potential.
Having my wife, Vanessa, of some 26 years, at my side is a massive bonus as she has a very creative mind, and seems to be able to come up with colour solutions that just work.
By assisting with clients selecting their matts, frames etc allows them to see that we have a strong and dynamic partnership – which will ensure that we are able to come up with the perfect solution to their needs.
Be sure to explore the full range of framing services offered by Vanessa and Greg of Spreyton Picture Framing on their website.
Follow Spreyton Picture Framing Instagram – it is a wonderful way to see a gallery of Tasmanian artists’ work.
You can find Spreyton Picture Framing at:
22 Eagle Ridge Rd
South Spreyton
Tasmania 7310
0414 457816

Artist Profile Stories
I want there to be more arts and crafts in our world, in our communities and in our own lives. Hopefully you’ve found this blog post inspiring and interesting.
So I’m creating, with your help, Art Trails Tasmania, allowing all of us who feel this love to create more of it.
And the Art Trails Tasmania blog is a key part of making this happen, telling the stories of members. It’s about what they have happening with workshops and classes, exhibitions, open studio trails, where to find their outlets, markets, fairs and festivals so you can shop their creations as well as their art and craft retreats.
Also being shared are the supporters of our artists, the galleries, shops, cafes, art societies and groups, places to stay and artist in residencies.
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