What if we each got to live our potential?

This question struck me when I was watching my six year old nephew taking his final bow alongside all his school mates at their Christmas play; what if every child on stage lived their potential through a long life?

The answer was simple, it would be a game changer. A game changer for their community, then I realised with the 100 or so children on stage if each really did get to live their potential in the next 70-80 years then it would be a game changer for not just our nation, but also our world.

How wonderful would that be?

What if we each got to live our potential asks Belinda of Art Trails Tasmania?

I was sitting there next to my terminally ill sister, her husband and both of our parents. Our lives were in turmoil with what was happening with Jenni and we were each being very purposeful with giving her son as much normalcy and happiness as possible.

We were doing a pretty good job, he was a happy and secure child. Naturally enough, her passing at just 38 years old changed our lives completely. Her son was just eight years old when he lost her and he’s grown into adulthood without her. But, to be frank, she’s been right by his side the entire time, loving him from the other side.

The Repeating Question About Living Our Potential

That Christmas pageant moment has stayed with me over the decades, the question of what is it to live your potential?  Whether your years here on earth are few or many, what is it for each of us?

The question came to front of mind for me the other evening when I was sitting outside watching the stars. It really isn’t such a surprise that I was visited again by this and I often feel that Jenni is close by me in those moments.

But I was turning the question against myself, as I have at times over the years. I was sitting there feeling deeply happy and grateful for the immediate success of the Art Trails Tasmania website. I’ve always felt there was a future for me to do a site like this.

I’m in my 50’s and it is happening now. Why not earlier?

Entries are open for the 2023 Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition

Stumbles with Smallness

It’s lessons and experiences from work, clients, colleagues, business friends who’ve become besties, customers and suppliers, event organisations and market managers. From workshops and seminars, classes and retreats, the people and the material.

And being brave and going to my first art classes.

It is getting back up again from my stumbles with smallness. It’s allowing myself to flow in the diversity of the current and to be open.

To coming to Tasmania the first time and falling the fastest in love in my life, and this was after arriving having been very sick for six hours on the Sydney to Devonport ferry.

Keeping Your Word

I sat crying in the car waiting to board my return ferry after weeks of exploring Tasmania. I had to negotiate with myself, promising that I’d return, just so I would actually drive onto the ferry. 

So I kept my word to myself.

I was so proud of myself for coming back, for honouring myself. And I was rewarded, as you always are for doing something your soul is urging.  

Next thing I knew I was being invited by a power force of a woman to return for a third time with my market treasures to have a stall in the Deloraine Creative Studios during the Tasmanian Craft Fair.

I’ve returned every year I’ve been allowed into Tasmania to have my stall at the Tasmanian Craft Fair, see my stockists across the state and continue exploring.

I have a song that I sing loudly in my car as I tootle down the highway from the ferry. It’s in an odd operatic voice with the main lyrics being, “OH Tasmania!”

Who knew when I was 18 and leaving school that at 36 I would fall so deeply in love with an island state that felt like home? That on the weekend of my 50th birthday I’d give birth to the very thing that I’d been percolating for 30 years.

The Sum of All

That I now feel like I am living my potential is the sum of all of this.

With Art Trails Tasmania I have found a way to create a sustainable future for myself in Tasmania. The question I’ve stewed on for more than 15 years is answered. 

The Wondrous Beauty

It is a way that celebrates the wondrous beauty and inspiration of this state by its artists and artisans, writers and composers, makers and crafters, stitchers and carpenters, potters and designers, illustrators and photographers, printers and spinners, weavers and sketchers and all the ones in the mix; about us.


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Telling Our Members’ Stories in the Blog

Have your sent in your Artist profile story yet? All Artist Profile and Artists Ensemble members get to share their stories here via our blog and socials.

Using All the Lessons Learnt for Potential

What if I can use all of my lessons learnt, gather your lessons learnt and share them with you? What potentially could come from that?

Could we each get to flourish by being part of this? Of being inspired, skilling up, exploring new processes and methods, tools and mediums.

To see and buy more art?

To learn from each other in workshops and galleries, at art retreats and group gatherings, in cafes and theatres, bookshops and libraries; where ever we are?

Allowing More Art To Be Made

In all of this we allow more art to be created. In what ever medium, manner and message that we like.

That we each, that we all, find joy and meaning in this. Isn’t that what potential is, its essence?

So thank you for joining me in this joyous, art and craft filled endeavour. I hope you keep being delighted in what you discover, in what you create and celebrate.

I know that with every story I have the privilege to share here that I am getting to live my potential.

Telling Our Stories

If you’d like to explore more of the stories of our members then please scroll down and dive into the latest releases along with the skills sharing posts.

Be sure to pop over to our members’ social pages and follow them too.

The Art Trails Tasmania blog shares Artist Profiles, Skills Sharing posts and event news

Our Blog Stories

I want there to be more arts and crafts in our world, in our communities and in our own lives. Hopefully you’ve found this blog post useful and interesting in your creative journey.

So I’m creating, with your help, Art Trails Tasmania, allowing all of us who feel this love to create more of it.

And the Art Trails Tasmania blog is a key part of making this happen, telling the stories of members. It’s about what they have happening with workshops and classes, exhibitions, open studio trails, where to find their outlets, markets, fairs and festivals so you can shop their creations as well as their art and craft retreats.

Also being shared are the supporters of our artists, the galleries, shops, cafes, art societies and groups, places to stay and artist in residencies.

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