Our Art Exhibition Evolving into a Trail

The 5th Annual Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition is becoming a trail!

We out grew our original home at Art as Mania as our exhibition more than doubled in 2023 with 110+ entries from more than 45 Tasmanian artists!

So it is time to live up to our name and become a trail.

Our first fully confirmed exhibition partner is the artist led Poatina Tree Art Gallery, in charming Poatina.

Image has a background of Jaclyn Poke painting of trails to Cradle Mountain in gentle colours with the words You're Initiated to be Part of the 5th Annual Art Trails Tasmania Exhibition

The 2024 Art Exhibition

There will be a few changes to this year’s art exhibition while many elements will remain the same.

The first change is with the prizes, there will be a People’s Choice Prize for each participating gallery.


Art Exhibition Theme Constancy

The themes will remain the same, as it is always about celebrating this fabulously inspiring state.

Vibrant Communities – ideal for representing the people, communities, farms, business, shacks and villages, towns and cities of Tasmania.

Waters of Life – taking inspiration from the beautiful Tasmanian waterways and coastlines, flora and fauna, activities such as fishing and paddling.

Wildlife Wonders – celebrating the diverse and captivating wildlife, the flora and fauna, of Tasmania.

Mountain Inspirations – showcasing the magnificence of the ever present Tasmanian mountains and highlands, this can also include the flora and fauna.

Member and Non-Member Entry Pricing

There will also be the return of the entry pricing for members and non-members.

As always, all participating artists will be promoted equally. What is key is sending me the correct details of your social media profiles so I can tag you. I can only work off the information I am provided (so no change here).

Continuing The Big Focus On Promoting Participating Artists

For all of the artists who have exhibited previously in an Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition, you know how seriously I take the responsibility of strongly promoting the artists who get involved.

I believe it is crucial to tag the artist’s Instagram and Facebook profile pages in posts that showcase their entered works (and to be frank, I don’t really understand why this isn’t done more by other art exhibition organisers, yes it takes a chunk of work but that is what your entry fee is for).

So this dedication to backing the artists who are backing this exhibition will be happening all over again this year.

Becoming a Trail

One of the biggest changes to this year’s art exhibition will be the use of QR Codes so our supporters can easily buy the art works.

Each entry will have a unique QR Code that can be scanned by a smart phone, taking the buyer to an online listing of the work with details about the artist.

This will mean that pieces will also be able to taken home immediately from the exhibition by visitors. I hope any local buyers will be happy to keep their new treauser at the gallery until the end of the exhibition.

The Members Only story on how to use QR Codes explains this concept in more detail (you do need to be logged in to access the Member Only stories).

The Galleries

I’m in conversation with two other galleries about their involvement and am looking forward to being able to share specific details with you next month.

I am happy to explore the possibilities of a fourth gallery location, so if you have suggestions or would like to be part of all of this, do please let me know.

Art Exhibition Dates

Something that I am quite excited about with working with the different galleries is being flexible with the dates of the exhibition.

Poatina Arts and the Poatina Tree Art Gallery are wanting a four week time frame. So the exhibition there will run from Friday 25th October through to Sunday 25th November 2024.

Whereas a smaller gallery that I am talking with (and have agreed for a confirmation in April) is wanting 10 days during this period.

While I easily understand that many folk prefer consistency across these things, the goal with Art Trails Tasmania has always been about supporting, enabling and backing the arts community in the ways that each needs it.

So if a smaller gallery owner feels that a 10 day period is what they need and a more off the track gallery has learnt that they need a four week run, then I am happy to explore this.

I’m feeling that I have learnt enough from the last four years to be able to make this happen easily enough. I hope you are happy to explore this with me too.

The key elements I want to make sure are simple are the close of entry dates and that each artist knows which location their work will be exhibited at.

Changes to the Entry Sizes for the Art Exhibition

This is going to be one of the biggest changes and I will be emailing artists who have previously entered personally about this.

Because of the smaller sized galleries that will be part of the art exhibition and the desire to be able to give 45+ artists the opportunity to exhibit, the maximum size of entries will be 45 x 45 cm.

This also applies for sculptural and textile entries.

The size of an A3 frame is 42cm x 29.7cm.

Image has a background of Jaclyn Poke painting of trails to Cradle Mountain in gentle colours with the words You're Initiated to be Part of the 5th Annual Art Trails Tasmania Exhibition
Image has a background of Jaclyn Poke painting of trails to Cradle Mountain in gentle colours with the words You're Initiated to be Part of the 5th Annual Art Trails Tasmania Exhibition

Call Out for Sponsors

I am delighted to annouce that the  sponsors who have been with us from the start for the Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition are backing us again this year!

So a big thank you to Art as Mania and The Empire Hotel Deloraine!

Do you know any sponsors that we should be connecting with?

If you do, please let me know.

I’m putting together a more formal sponsorship package for this year so stay tuned for that.

Art Exhibitions Are More Than Selling A Piece of Work

As any regularly exhibiting artist knows, exhibiting in exhibitions is way more than selling an individual piece of work.

Being part of art exhibitions is a great way to grow your artist profile, make valuable connections, be seen by existing and potential buyers, create valuable blog and social media content and much more.

Here are the latest stories on how to make the most of your involvement in any art exhibition.

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Our 2023 Art Exhibition Winners

The Overall Winner of the 2023  Art Trails Tasmania Art Exhibition is Jaclyn Poke of Split Art. Is it Jaclyn’s beautiful Cradle Mountain Trail that is being featured on this year’s exhibition graphics.

Discover our Artist members…

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The Joy of Life Through the Lens of Art with Christie Lange

Meet Binalong Bay Ceramist Artist Christie Lange My art making process starts with the joy of learning; about myself, others – human and non-human – and the world we all live in. I’m drawn to the lives of small organisms like fungi, lichens, mosses, slugs, plants,...

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Read What Our Members Say About Belonging

Join the growing, supportive artists community today and have your Artist story told here.

Want your Artist Profile story told and shared by us? Join as an Artist Profile member.

Want your Profile story AND Events News promoted by us? Join as an Artists Ensemble member.

Click here to learn more in our Members’ Hub.

Belinda is doing a great job creating a professional looking artist hub online. Check out the profile I posted recently to see how well she does them. To all my artist friends let’s help make this THE go to place to discover local artists.

Read Evelyn’s Artist Profile here.

Evelyn Antonysen

Watercolour & Mixed Media Artist

You won’t regret joining Art Trails Tasmania . It’s a welcoming community for creatives at any career stage.
Becoming an Art Trails Tasmania member wasn’t a hard decision for me to make as it’s such a wealth of knowledge and support.
Being member provides a quality way to showcase your creative endeavours and it’s quickly growing in reach.
Maria Oakley

Mixed Media Artist

We operate a home based picture framing business and recently joined Art Trails Tasmania as a means to giving us exposure to the wider artist community. We have almost immediately seen increase in activity thru our online sites, which I am certain will lead to more opportunities to grow our business.

Read Greg’s Creative Business Profile here.

Greg Dennis

Spreyton Picture Framing

Be Part of Artist Led Events Across Tasmania

Come explore the fabulous events our members are hosting across this deeply inspiring state!

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Bay of Fires Seascape Workshop with John E Gibb

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Nurture Your Creativity

Every month the lastest Creativity Calendar story is shared in the Community Newsletter, on Facebook and Instagram and it is all about living a more authentic life connected with your own creativity. 

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This growing collection of practical skills sharing stories are the next level and are just for our members. To access these game changing stories you need to login.

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